Spring Hill / Troy Hill

This week I am going to talk about a decent neighborhood that I personally have spend a pretty decent amount of time in. I wanted to talk about Spring Hill but didn’t have enough to say about it because it’s so tiny so I will be talking about Spring Hill and Troy Hill. Firstly Spring Hill, in my Opinion Spring Hill is an extremely interesting neighborhood to me and it always tends to fascinate me; located Northeast of the Northside adjacent to the Strip and above Troy Hill Spring Hill has one of the best views of the city and one of the smallest populations withinPrimantiBros a city in the US. In 1970s Spring Hill had about 8,000 people residing there. In ’74 it dropped to 4,900 and in 2010 that number is all the way down to 2,900. Its almost considered a ghost town anymore because its so hard to people to commute from without a vehicle, a lot of the houses have water damage, and most of the original folks living in them moved out when the steel mills crashed. Now as far as Troy Hill goes I have unfortunately very little good to say about Troy Hill. If you wander around Troy Hill you will really meet some public characters, only problem is you may not want to meet these public characters. I noticed a bit of substance abuse problem in the area on top of weird crimes such as arson and theft. I have a few good friends whom live in Troy Hill and aside from their Oktoberfest I would really have no reason to visit this area. In my opinion if you’re lookingurl for a nice place to live within the city, or a nice place to visit I would avoid Troy Hill unless you are visiting a friend who lives there. There is not much this area h as to offer except some weird experiences and a lot of people hussling for your wallet.

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