
This week I am going to talk about one of the cutest neighborhoods in Pittsburgh, Friendship! Friendship originally came to be when Conrad Winebiddle was given this land and decided he wanted an upper-class neighborhood next to the beloved East Liberty. If you ever take a tour through Friendship you will see how nice the places are, unfortunately almost all the properties have been turned into apartments but nonetheless the people within those apartments take good care of their neighborhood and the place in which they live. If you live in friendship you will notice that it is a residential only neighborhood, but that’s not stopping you from taking a short stroll towards Garfield, East Liberty, Shadyside, or Bloomfield to get some bar/club/food going. Originally inhabited by German immigrants then to upper-class businessmen I believe it is still inhabited by fairly wealthy young professionals and anyone willing to deal with the swing of “safe neighborhood, unsafe neighborhood” swing this place has gone through. You will notice a lot of the streets are named after clan members of the Winebiddle clan in honor of them. I would highly suggest this area to anyone with the money as it is the friendliest

neighborhood in Pittsburgh in my opinion and if I could I would move there in a heartbeat, though I wouldn’t purchase a house because the way the neighborhoods go in the east end it is quite a gamble.

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